Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One Year Old!!

     "A first child is your own best foot forward, and how you do cheer those little feet as they strike out.  You examine every turn of flesh for precocity, and crow it to the world. But the one: the baby who trails his scent like a flag of surrender through your life when there will be no more after - oh, that's love by a different name."
~Barbara Kingsolver
     Well baby Austin you are one year old!  Actually as I'm typing this you are fifteen months old, BUT, mommy is busy working full time and running around after the three of you so at least I am writing this before you turn two! The pictures are of you at twelve months, that's the easy part.
     So what have you been up to? Well, just about everything.  You are so big and so completely happy that it warms my heart.  You are a very content little man and just LOVE your brother and sister.  You simply adore them and want to follow them everywhere.  What is your current mode of travel? ME! You have refused to walk! (Technically speaking you can walk and have walked but simply choose not to because why should you? You have ME!)  Other than that, here is a snapshot of your final month of being a baby:
  • You have your top and bottom molars now and you barely put up a fuss!
  • You pretty much love all of your food, no worries there.
  • You still sleep like an angel, so soundly and ALL night long.
  • You give the sweetest kisses and love to give me nose kisses in the morning and when I pick you up from school.
  • You are still super attached to mommy but that's okay by me!  I know that one day you'll make me drop you off down the street or something so your friends can't see me so I'll take all the snuggles I can!
  • You say Momma, Daddy, Aba (Ava), and a phrase that sounds like "I dropped it and I did it".
  • You really do get into everything, such a little stinker.
  • You have found your voice and don't mind speaking up if something bothers you.  You are VERY vocal.  It looks like all three DePalermo babies have no trouble there!
  • You lounge instead of sitting up.  Even in a swing outside you'd rather lean back than sit up straight.  Oh how I have spoiled you.

     You are quite honestly a delight and a constant reminder of how God's plans are infinitely better than mine could ever be.  I believe that God sent you to us to remind me how amazing He is and that He knows the plans for my life, my job is to be faithful and obedient. I love you to the moon and back sweet Austin, forever and always.

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