Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our First Week Home

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

~James 1:17

IMG_6938Ava Elisabeth was the best Easter gift that I could have asked for.  We had her on Friday and were blessed to come home on Saturday.  Easter Sunday was so much fun with Michael and his first Easter egg hunt.  IMG_6958 IMG_6990IMG_6951

My Mom was here with us but had to leave on Monday but my Dad came up on Monday and stayed the entire week with us.  I felt that I would be able to stay home with Michael and Ava by myself but I was mistaken.  I’m glad my Dad was here to help!

On Monday afternoon we took Ava to her pediatrician for her first check up.  Unfortunately, Ava’s blood work showed that her Jaundice had gotten much worse since leaving the hospital and just sitting in indirect sunlight was not enough.  So, my doctor ordered a billi blanket for Ava to wear for 48 hours and the best part is, it was delivered to my house!  For two days, Ava wore this “blanket” that lit up like something out of Star Wars, however our electric company decided to work on something down the street so we kept losing power all day Tuesday, causing her “blanket” to turn off!!!  I called the power company and explained the situation as calmly as possible and the power outages stopped.IMG_6999 IMG_6996 IMG_6997 IMG_6998

As if that wasn’t crazy enough, Michael had been acting funny and Derin woke up in the middle of the night with a fever.  So, Derin went to work and then to the doctor to find out he had strep throat.  My Dad immediately took Michael to his doctor to find out he too had strep throat.  Are you kidding me?!  Basically the guys camped out in the living room until they had been on antibiotics.  Ava and I were lucky not to get sick.  It was hard to keep Michael away from Ava because he loves to help!  He brings her binkie or blanket or whatever she needs.  Then he gives a high five and says “helper!”  He loves to give her kisses and help burp her.  He is such a sweet and loving big brother so keeping her separated from him was a difficult task.IMG_7004 IMG_7017 IMG_7014 IMG_7016Now the boys were better and Ava’s blood work came back showing her Jaundice was getting better so we could ditch the “blanket”.  I’m so glad my Dad stayed to help because there is no way I could have managed all of this craziness while trying to heal myself. We made it through our first week and I have to say that Ava is a great sleeper so far and only wakes up once for a feeding at night.  However, she takes about two hours to eat and go back to bed but then she sleeps until Michael gets up.  So, we are slowly getting into our routine and although I am greatly sleep deprived, there is no greater gift from God than my children and I wouldn’t trade anything for this!  IMG_7039 IMG_7038 IMG_7070

April Showers Bring May Flowers….

IMG_6720IMG_6717 Or at least they are supposed to.  I know that this post is late but it seems that the only thing early in my life is when I go into labor!  Cyndi and Diane threw me a fabulous shower that was totally girly.  It was in the cutest bakery in Gruene called the Cupcakery.  Needless to say the smell was intoxicating.  From the adorable window displays to the crystal chandeliers it was the perfect place to celebrate Ava. 

IMG_6661IMG_6671We received so many adorable baby girl clothes, everyone seemed to really enjoy shopping for girly stuff!  I just really enjoyed visiting with everyone and eating my strawberry cupcake!IMG_6665

IMG_6663 IMG_6664IMG_6672 IMG_6670 IMG_6710 IMG_6707 IMG_6708 IMG_6709 The second best thing about showers is coming home to organize the clothes!  I laid out all of many dresses and bloomers by size and got to work.  Her closet and drawers were organized in no time!  Thank goodness the shower was the first week in April because two weeks later, little Ava made her debut.  IMG_6715 IMG_6711 IMG_6712 IMG_6713 IMG_6714